忏悔。我从来没有喜欢多功能用车。在我看来,汽车应该让你远离吵闹的孩子,而不是强迫你坐在一个封闭的空间。所以当我把钥匙交给重点C-MAX——福特全新人载体——我感到担忧。但是开车一个月后,我已经转换,C-MAX不是典型的家庭乐趣总线。从外表看,它看起来像一个胖和更高的关注。没有roofbars,没有厚实的摩擦带,没有滑动门。它甚至有一个微小的屋顶剧透。虽然我爱福特的事实并不像车轮上的一个主题公园,有一定的温柔。引人注目或有趣的是标准的焦点,甚至我的朋友中没有人注意到我已经改变汽车。 Given how radical some of its rivals are - think Fiat Multipla and雷诺风景——我不知道设计师们走得太远。时间会告诉我们。然而,内部则是另一回事。如果福特短暂C-MAX感觉更高档,那么我认为它成功的几乎每个领域。从后面开始,引导是辉煌的。作为一个摄影师,我携带更多的装备比平均f1团队。我只使用10%的设备拍摄,但我需要把它所有的“以防”时刻。好消息是,C-MAX已经简化早上装载时间。地板是更广泛的比我的旧的日产X-Trail,所以我的两个塑料照明情况下可以并排坐着,而不是彼此。这是一个很小的细节,但这对我来说会成交。启动负载唇高度是伟大的,太。远低于日产的,所有的区别当拖着飞行情况下和梯子。还有一块薄的塑料防护修剪顶部的保险杠已经拯救了油漆工作。为什么不每个制造商符合其中的一个吗?后排座位也设计的很好,尽管我还没有充分利用他们的特性。我没有孩子,我的椅子forwardmost位置,把汽车变成一个豪华的四座。我不确定有多少家庭价值,但对于像我这样的人来说,这是完美的。向前,C-MAX更加引人注目。 Sure, the dash layout is a bit predictable, but I can't fault the quality and feel of it. The Sony stereo looks and sounds terrific. It's a clever move by Ford, as this is the kind of thing that persuades badge snobs like me to part with our money. The driving position is spot-on, too, although the huge screen and deep dash make parking in tight spaces difficult. After the Nissan's boxy bonnet and lofty perch, the Ford is taking some getting used to. But in terms of driving, the C-MAX is far better than I expected. It's based on the next Focus and is even more sophisticated than the current car. While the higher centre of gravity makes it feel top-heavy, the body control and ride are second-to-none. I haven't driven VW's Touran much but, from what I remember, it's neither as agile or well balanced. Yet the biggest treat is the engine. The TDCi is the best diesel I've ever tried. With stacks of low and mid-range pulling power, motorway cruising is simplicity itself. Add a 450-mile range and near-silent running at speed, and you have the perfect powerplant. My only gripe concerns the gearshift - I love its raised position, but it's not as rewarding to use as the current Focus's floor-mounted lever. I'm really looking forward to the next few months with the C-MAX. The winter may bring some lousy weather for photography, but the fact that every day will end with a comfortable, rewarding drive will more than compensate. An excellent start.