
标致407 SW人类发展指数

令人惊奇的滥用,一些汽车的数量可以忍受。他们几乎没有清洗,维修或TLC,他们仍然保持着。我丈夫的标致406 2.0人类发展指数,例如。“被忽视的”不是这个词!

  • 实用和多功能室内、舒适的驾驶位置,独特的风格
  • 中央扶手仍然摇铃、低能见度、黑色家具展示了灰尘,缺乏停车传感器

令人惊奇的滥用,一些汽车的数量可以忍受。他们几乎没有清洗,维修或TLC,他们仍然保持着。我丈夫的标致406 2.0人类发展指数,例如。“被忽视的”不是这个词!燃油炉V-reg,但其110000英里——其中大部分是覆盖在过去的两年里,掩饰其温柔的年龄。道格使用它在他的史诗从伦敦北部170英里的日常通勤到得Gaydon得沃里克郡,他在阿斯顿马丁的原型部门工作。可悲的是,DB9公司汽车有点薄在地上……他不在乎他的标致。肉体是肮脏的,其中一个保险杠是挂了,各个部分的修剪弯曲或失踪。机舱,坦率地说,令人作呕。 I refuse to even sit in the car: with its door-to-door crisp packets, cigarette ash and banana skins, it should be given a Government health warning. But here's the interesting thing: the 406 just keeps on going. With little more than an MoT and occasional oil level check, it takes everything that's thrown at it. Peugeot diesels are renowned for their longevity, and Doug's car proves their reputation is thoroughly deserved. All of which bodes well for Auto Express' long-term 407 SW. With around 11,000 miles on the clock, the 1.6-litre HDi is just getting into its stride - and if Doug's experience with its predecessor is anything to go by, the car will be giving strong, reliable service for many years to come. While the SW is far more pampered than its stablemate, it certainly works for its keep. We're renovating our home, and the Peugeot has been pressed into service on numerous visits to DIY stores. It has carried any load we've asked it to - although having to remove the headrests to fold the rear seats is irritating. Nevertheless, when witnessing frayed tempers at IKEA as customers attempt to load flat-pack furniture into highly unsuitable vehicles, I've often given thanks for the roomy 407. Despite our disparate sizes - I'm 5ft 7in and Doug is 6ft 5in - we each feel comfortable when driving. The footrest is too close to the clutch pedal for Doug's size 12s, but the height-adjustable seatbelts are a bonus. There are plenty of cubbies, too, including coin trays either side of the front seats. However, the black trim shows up every hair and speck of dust. Manoeuvring the huge Peugeot would be far easier if it had the optional parking sensors. The long nose is hard to judge in a tight space, while those rear pillars create unnerving blindspots - the small wing mirrors don't help, either. Against the odds, though, the 407 has escaped any parking dings. On the road, the ride is relaxing. This, along with the vague steering, is typical of a large French car - although the long-throw gearshift isn't to every-one's taste. Meanwhile, the 110bhp diesel engine could be punchier; its 2.0-litre brother is a better option as it's less stressed, and so would probably prove more economical. Refinement is fairly good, despite some booming at motorway speeds. I do have a few concerns, however - the main one being that the fan has started to come on as the engine is switched off, even when I haven't been sitting in traffic. Sometimes it will keep going for five minutes. I'll get it checked when I take the Peugeot to my local dealer for a new offside front foglight lens - the original, tucked beneath the bumper, has been smashed by a stone thrown up from the road. It's unlikely I'll be driving KU54 ACF when it reaches 110,000 miles, but there's no doubt the car will still be going strong - and you can guarantee I would treat it with a little bit more care than Doug does his unfortunate 406...莎拉·布拉德利第二个意见好像把莎拉的家具没有足够考验407,西南也证明了它的价值运输我的山地车。我用我的摩托作为引导的尺度空间;如果你可以不删除前轮能见度和限制后,你做得很好。标致的管理工作。它缓慢的性能和无望的变速箱是一个岔路,但我们的汽车407 SW无疑证明了它的价值表达长期舰队。betvictor是真的吗克里斯•索普行动。dep.汽车艾德


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