
想卖你的车吗?我们正在与我们信赖的伙伴高速公路从他们的网络带给你最好的报价。卖你的车最好的价格从5000 +经销商和要使用的服务是免费的。它是如何工作的:

得到一个即时估值和他们会找到经销商谁来支付最你的车。它是那么容易。< / p >




今天有很多航线开放汽车销售商汽车表达评估,但我们认为高速公路是最好的选择之一。betvictor是真的吗英国是一个在线服务,车主可以卖私人汽车和货车。高速公路连接你的遍及全国的网络经销商谁申请你的车。这是一个证明系统可以帮助你得到一个良好的价格和快速销售。< / p >

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没有隐藏的费用或费用。输入你的注册号码和高速公路的休息。< / p >

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高速公路的估值是基于最新的实时市场数据,然后保留价格将根据您提供的细节。经销商然后购买你的汽车竞争。< / p >

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不需要写广告,等待客户看房和测试驱动器,或麻烦的买家。< / p >

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整个过程快。你同意卖掉你的车,你通常就会得到你的钱。< / p >




我的车值多少钱?< / p >

< p >有许多因素影响car’ s值,模型,发动机,修剪水平和安装选项,里程,年龄、历史和条件。< / p >

Motorway draws on a range of information to create its instant car valuations, including live data from the market, industry insights and historic offers from dealers on Motorway itself. The Motorway experts then look at the specifics of your car, its history, specification and condition, before finalising a reserve price and then offering it to dealers in the daily Motorway online sale.

At the end of the sale you are presented with the best offer received for your car. You are completely free to accept or reject that offer, there’s no obligation to sell your car at any stage.

会有不同汽车的估值和销售价格吗?< / p >

< p > Motorway’ s初始估值是基于市场数据和基本生活的细节,你的车——比如,模型和里程。在第二阶段,你提供更多的信息car’ s规范、服务历史和条件同意保留价格作为高速公路的日常网上销售。< / p > < p >你可以选择接受最好的提供你收到在线销售和成为你最终的销售价格。这个价格可以或多或少比底价,但是否接受与否的选择永远是你的。< / p > < p >收集的汽车经销商的时候,会有一个进一步检查以确保描述的车。经销商是幸福时,付款到您的银行账户。高速公路平均说,客户可以英镑1125更多的汽车上使用服务比交换或最初的经销商报价。< / p >

我的汽车的估值和最终价格会影响什么?< / p >

< p >当你的价值你的车在高速公路上你得到一个估值基于细节DVLA举行的数据库,它们可以通过你的车的注册号码。这是一个可靠的你的车的价值估计假设它是处于良好状态。< / p > < p >可以影响这个值包含的关键领域。< / p >
  • Mileage

    The average car in the UK covers roughly 12,000 miles per year but some cars will do dramatically more miles than that and some cover a lot less. The mileage is a good indicator of the condition of the car so lower mileage cars are usually worth more while higher mileage cars are worth less.

  • Condition

    Motorway lets you record the condition of your car with its photo app and online questionnaire in just a few minutes. If you’re clear about any stone chips, dents or scratches on the bodywork or knocks and scrapes about the interior, you’ll get a more accurate valuation.

  • Service history

    Cars that have been serviced in line with the manufacturer’s servicing schedule, and have the detailed service history to prove it, will be worth more than those with patchy service records.

  • MOT

    Cars sold on Motorway must have a valid MOT, if they’re over 3 years in age. The MOT gives accurate information about the car’s current condition and helps reassure dealers to make higher offers.

  • Number of owners

    The fewer previous owners your car has had, the better for its value. If you have owned your car from new, that’s the ideal scenario, but it’s common for cars to have between one and four owners over a typical eight-year lifecycle. You will be able to see the number of owners on the car’s V5C registration document.

  • Insurance write-offs

    If your car has been classified as an insurance write-off in the past because it could not be economically repaired after an accident it will have a negative effect on the car’s value. The dealers in the Motorway network do not buy category A, B, S or N cars, but Motorway can recommend an online buyer that will buy written-off cars. Just enter your reg number in the usual way.

  • Where you live

    If you live in a remote location it’s possible that this might negatively impact the value of your car because it may be more expensive for the dealer to collect the vehicle.

它是自由出售我的汽车与高速公路吗?< / p >

< p >是的。没有费用卖家在高速公路上。经销商支付费用时高速公路挑大梁时为你买你的车,但是年代绝对自由。< / p >

高速公路会接受我的车吗?< / p >

< p >你可以销售汽车,货车,甚至一些其他类的车辆在高速公路上。输入你的注册号码和估值。< / p >

It’s possible to sell cars with outstanding finance and although Motorway dealers do not buy insurance write-offs, the service will put you in contact with an online buyer who will. It’s a similar story with scrap or non-running cars, Motorway’s scrap partner will offer you a price with free collection.

Motorbikes and scooters currently can’t be sold on Motorway.

卖掉我的车要多长时间?< / p >

< p >通常需要两到七天卖一辆汽车在高速公路上,这年代完成第一个询盘有汽车收集和钱在你的银行账户。整个过程需要24小时虽然。< / p >

什么文件我需要卖掉我的车吗?< / p >

< p >一旦接受了经销商的报价,并安排预约汽车收集,你需要准备好一些文件。这是你需要的经销商可以检查你的车的有效性,转移支付到你的账户和所有权转移的车快速、轻松地一天。< / p > < p > <强>如果你是车辆的注册管理员:< /强> < / p > < ul > <李> V5C车辆登记文件。李李< / > < >年检证书(如果你的车有一个)。李李< / > < >所有备用车钥匙。李李< / > < >照片的身份证,如驾照或护照。李李< / > < >地址——一个帐单的证明,银行对账单或议会税语句。上的地址必须匹配显示地址V5C文档。李李< / > < >权威金融公司。如果有任何财务上你的车,你需要一封来自金融公司确认最后的和解图。李李< / > < >服务记录的书。李李< / > < >汽车手册/用户手册。李李< / > < >车轮螺母锁键(如果有的话)。李李< / > < >广播和关键代码(如适用)。李李< / > < >你英国银行的细节。李李< / > < >燃料罐,确保有足够的燃料,燃料不是光。李< / > < / ul > < p > <强>如果你不注册车辆的门将:< /强> < / p > < p >以上物品,加上:< / p > < ul > <李>书面授权注册管理员,你可以出售汽车。李李< / > < >照片的身份证注册的门将。< /李> < / ul >

我需要我的车的照片吗?< / p >

< p >一套好的照片,你的车将有助于吸引经销商的利益,确保你得到尽可能高的价格。从经销商提供担保的基础上提供照片和信息非常重要,当把你的照片做一个彻底的工作。< / p > < p >高速公路要求共有16个照片你的车的外观,室内车轮和轮胎。此外,他们要求任何瑕疵的照片在车辆划痕,芯片,凹陷等。< / p > < p >即可完成所有操作容易使用高速公路的照片在你的智能手机应用程序。照片来自第三方网站不能接受。< / p >

我可以卖一辆车与杰出的金融吗?< / p >

< p >是的。高速公路经销商会买汽车金融突出。经销商将解决突出财政与金融公司直接和剩下的金额将被转移到您的帐户。< / p > < p >完成流程需要一个《;结算figure’从你的财务公司的金融公司有义务提供12天内,但通常是在实践中提供一至三天内。< / p >

将经销商收集我的车吗?< / p >

< p >是的。如果你接受报价在你的车,经销商谁使它将联系安排预约收集车,完成交易。< / p >

The agent collecting the car will check that it matches the details and photos you’ve provided and this usually involves a quick inspection of the bodywork, mechanicals and interior. It may also involve a short test drive.

When the dealer is happy that the car is as described, they will authorise the payment to your account, sign the paperwork and take the car away.

我何时能得到我的车的钱?< / p >

< p >在大多数情况下,钱是通过银行转账的同一天,汽车被收集。你会确认你的银行细节当你接受报价在你的车。< / p >

The time it takes for the funds to come through can vary slightly depending on the dealer and your bank. Dealers will not pay for cars in cash.

将汽车通过betvictor是真的吗高速公路表达赚钱如果我卖掉我的车吗?< / p >

< p >是的。betvictor是真的吗汽车表示正在与高速公路和如果你卖你的车通过高速公路到了汽车表达我们做网站赚钱。< / p > < p >选择高速公路作为值得信赖的合作伙伴,因为我们觉得它提供的服务是最好的和最容易的使用在当今市场上。当然,还有其它的汽车销售方案。< / p >