

  • 优秀的建造质量,表现性格的引擎,突出实用性,处理
  • 具有挑战性的设计,换挡杆,转移情况下,应对轮胎压力

拍卖网站eBay有很多答案。除了拼写对垃圾商店在英国,它最近寄给我5个小时,250英里往返马格斯菲特,柴郡。互联网服务已经被我买了一个大的家具我既不需要,也不希望,但是因为它是便宜的,我有信心的大小遗留内地的引导,我看不到任何问题做一个短途旅行的收集。可以预见的是,实木单位远远大于预期。还重达一吨,几乎瘫痪的人把它从潮湿的车库和遗留的后方毫米。货物保管、汽车的鼻子指向天空,这是回家的时候了。两个半小时后,我确信会有压扁的一无所有席位,甚至更少的昂贵的self-levelling阻尼器支持后桥。但内地是铁打的,尽管滥用了M6收费公路,后面的椅子是无名,塑料包覆后挡板。一旦加载了,处理也恢复正常了……确实是个好消息,特别是修复这一切可能会花一大笔钱。 In fact, the shock introduction to Subaru's parts prices didn't come until the following Saturday. Somehow, the passenger wing mirror had been knocked off the car during the night. It was repaired with real efficiency by my local dealer, who was extremely helpful but handed me a bill for £220, of which nearly £200 was for the mirror itself. In contrast, the labour charge was only £27 - a real bargain, I thought. Since then, however, Subaru component costs have been dramatically reduced by up to 56 per cent. That's handy because, with 9,822 miles on the clock, it's nearly time for the Subaru's 10,000-mile service. On the basis that the car has run faultlessly for the past six months (our only problems have been a peeling front number plate and a scuff around the foglight), we are not expecting any nasty surprises. Quick visual inspections have revealed that there is still plenty of life in the tyres and brake pads, and there's no hint of even the slightest mechanical gremlin. I'll let you know how the service goes in our next update. Meanwhile, the Legacy's reputation among all those who drive it continues to grow. It's a capable cruiser and a reasonable town car. We've yet to find a real use for the high and low-ratio transfer case, while there are suggestions that the throttle response is a little uneven at low speeds and that the gearshift is somewhat rubbery. But generally, most drivers are impressed. We all agree about its practicality and versatility. The tall suspension, which provides genuine off-road ability, also ensures comfortable cruising without making any compromises with the stable handling, which is as involved as it is rewarding. There is one slight frustration, though. The Outback is incredibly sensitive to tyre pressure and, if it drops, steering response and mid-corner stability diminish rapidly. So, to maintain the accuracy of the handling, we seem to find ourselves pumping the tyres with more air at every fuel stop. Ultimately, the extra effort is worth making. The hard-wearing Legacy mixes practicality and driveability like few other cars on our fleet. No wonder Subaru says this model has proved such a success since its launch last year. Waiting lists sit at six months, so if you're planning on moving some furniture this winter, best get your order in.


MG4 XPower:电热孵化为£36000和429马力
MG 4 -大灯

MG4 XPower:电热孵化为£36000和429马力

毫克的家庭掀背车是让supercar-rivalling性能,与此同时,博姿公司推出了MG4 x - power



