


  • 涡轮增压性能、内外造型与工作人员有用的引导功能,流行
  • 维修成本,尴尬的齿轮箱,噪音门海豹,紧张不安的,流浪野鸡

嗯,首先,它不是明智的——我们是T5涡轮增压模型,和220马力不闲逛。其次,它是一个房地产,能够轻松应对DIY商店的经营,甚至将整个山地自行车!最后,也是最令人惊讶的是,这是令人难以置信的时尚——沃尔沃使地产看起来很酷,和V50足以让脑袋还非常少见。当然,所有这一切都意味着我一直不愿放弃的钥匙。然而,我不盲目V50的缺点,在过去的几个月里,这幅画还没有最初那么乐观。最大的震动发生于12月当沃尔沃达到12000英里的第一次服务间隔。我打电话给一些经销商报价,那么多正确,以确保我听说。我得到的最好的价格是一个巨大的£300 +增值税。把到的角度来看,同样的调整XC90我们去年跑越野成本只有£253,别忘了V50是基于一个谦逊福特福克斯!一旦我们恢复了,那辆车已经预定到乡绅福尔诺在忙于打捞收拾悉尼湾号韦康比高,美元。这是一个漫长的工作,三个半小时,但平心而论车库工作不到原来的报价。它指控我们£283 -尽管£52.20石油听起来有点陡峭。如果这是我们支出的程度。我们还不得不咳嗽当一只野鸡选错了时间穿越黑暗的乡间小路,和牺牲本身对左侧的雾灯。提示另一个喘息的惊奇£114的零件和配件。这是因为整个灯单元必须更换,而不是镜头盖。雪上加霜的是,一个谜停车场丁出现在后面的乘客门。考虑到这些因素,它令人沮丧的沃尔沃最近宣布后,宝马通过提供一个可选的服务包。 Costing a mere £100, it provides cover for three years or 36,000 miles and takes the sting out of running costs. Still, apart from our regular trips to the garage, OE04 PYJ has been painless on the wallet. Economy has dropped off since our last update (Issue 831), but our 26.5mpg average over 14,500 miles is good for a 220bhp estate that covers 0-60mph in less than seven seconds. The 78.7 pence per mile overall cost rating is impressive, too. However, we're not so convinced about the car's quality - and we think this might have something to do with the fact it has so much in common with the Focus. Two things are particularly frustrating: the gearbox and wind noise. Early on, we praised the V50's six-speed manual transmission, but lately it's proved increasingly reluctant to engage reverse when cold - you have to roll the car forward before it can be moved backwards. Even then, you can feel the linkages flexing as you move the lever. If it gets worse, we'll take the Volvo back to the dealer. The same applies to the seals around the front doors. They started to make a whistling sound immediately after the service, but then quickly cured themselves. However, lately the noise has come back with a vengeance, spoiling high-speed refinement. As we've mentioned in previous reports, the ride isn't the best, either. It remains jittery, and on bumpy roads the car struggles to get power down through the front wheels. The handling still feels agile and rapid, but not actually very composed. Even these downsides haven't dimmed my enthusiasm for the Volvo, though. I love the estate's interior design and comfort, as well as its exclusivity and turbocharged power. And its size suits my family, too - although that will be put to the test when our second child arrives in six weeks. I'm not as enamoured with the V50 as I was a few months ago because of its little niggles. But all-round, I still rate the car very highly - and am glad so many staff members do, too.






斯柯达Karoq 2.0 TDI 4 x4:长期测试评估

斯柯达Karoq 2.0 TDI 4 x4:长期测试评估
