有两个主要的惊喜运行V50过去八个月,17000英里。首先,它比许多在办公室认为实际可能,其次,我们遇到了一个意想不到的机械故障。首先,让我们处理沃尔沃的多功能性。最近负载利用包括42英寸等离子电视屏幕和一个210厘米的衣橱。但最令人印象深刻的是,它改变了整个家庭办公室(桌、柜、椅和文件柜)。请注意,屋顶上的桌面了,另一个原因我们很高兴我们指定easy-to-fit屋顶酒吧。,我可以透过玻璃天窗留意负载。V50的引导并不大——417升的席位,许多竞争对手有更多的空间,但持有是精心设计的。从可逆引导垫座位前排乘客座位,需要的一切。如果只能说相同的乘客空间。 While rear legroom isn't great, the most common moan is that the back electric windows don't drop far enough. However, with the V50 mostly being used for daily solo commutes, we were more worried about the gearbox. You may remember that in our last report (Issue 844), we complained that first and reverse were impossible to select at start-up. As a result, the car was booked under warranty into Squire Furneaux in High Wycombe, Bucks, which diagnosed a one-off clutch fault - it wasn't decoupling properly. Unfortunately, the garage couldn't get a centre plate in the UK and delivery would have taken a couple of weeks. So to the dealer's credit, it got a complete new clutch from a Volvo outlet in Daventry, Northants. The whole process took three days, and the service centre kept us well informed. However, the transition to the new clutch hasn't been smooth. Fifth and sixth slots in the H-gate have moved, and both are now much closer to the third/fourth plane. This means changing from fourth to fifth requires considerable practice. There's nothing wrong with the engine, though, as the 2.5-litre 220bhp turbo is still delivering strong performance. With all that power going to the front wheels, you might expect a lot of tyre wear, but we're still on our first set and they're in reasonable condition. However, the traction control light flickers more frequently when pulling away. Economy hasn't quite fulfilled its early promise. Initially, the V50 regularly topped 28mpg, but it now gives 26mpg. This could be down to fewer long journeys recently - on motorways it happily returns 32mpg. However, I still think the V50 is a handsome and capable estate, and despite the gearbox fault, it's great value and genuinely enjoyable.第二个意见我开车2月期间V50严寒的寒流。让我印象最深的是汽车的气候控制,机舱不仅升温快,但座位加热器的工作效率。你可以告诉它是为了应对北欧的冬天。同时,作为与我们斯柯达Fabia。工具,我喜欢低调和访问性能,快速远离灯光。摄影师皮特·吉布森,员工